On exceptions, errors, and contract violations
Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-03 17:40:41 UTC
I finally realized what's been bugging me about thew program
logic error, airplane vs. server discussion, and rather than have
it lost in the other thread I thought I'd start a new one. The
actual problem driving these discussions is that the vocabulary
we're using to describe error conditions is too limited. We
currently have a binary condition. Either something is a
temporary environmental condition, detected at run-time, which
may disappear simply by retrying the operation, or it is a
programming logic error which always indicates utter,
irrecoverable failure.

Setting aside exceptions for the moment, one thing I've realized
about errors is that in most cases, an API has no idea how
important its proper function is to the application writer. If a
programmer passes out of range arguments to a mathematical
function, his logic may be faulty, but *we have no idea what this
means to him*. The confusion about whether the parameters to a
library constitute user input is ultimately the result of this
exact problem--since we have no idea of the importance of our
library in each application, we cannot dictate how the
application should react to failures within the library.

A contract has preconditions and postconditions to validate
different types of errors. Preconditions validate user input
(caller error), and postconditions validate resulting state
(callee error). If nothing else, proper communication regarding
which type of error occurred is crucial. A precondition error
suggests a logic error in the application, and a postcondition
error suggests a logic error in the function. The function
writer is in the best position to know the implications of a
postcondition failure, but has no idea what the implications of a
precondition failure might be. So it's reasonable to assert that
not only the type of contract error is important to know what to
fix, but also to know how to react to the problem.

Another issue is what the error tells us about the locality of
the failure. A precondition indicates that the failure simply
occurred sometime before the precondition was called, while a
postcondition indicates that the failure occurred within the
processing of the function. Invariant failures might indicate
either, which leads me to think that they are too coarse-grained
to be of much use. In general, I would rather know whether the
data integrity problem was preexisting or whether it occurred as
the result of my function. Simply knowing that it exists at all
is better than nothing, but since we already have the facility
for a more detailed diagnosis, why use invariants?

Without running on too long, I think the proper response to this
issue is to create a third subtype of Throwable to indicate
contract violations, further differentiating between pre and
postcondition failures. So we use Exception to represent
(environmental) errors which may disappear simply from retrying
the operation (and weirdly, out of memory falls into this
category, though @nothrow precludes recategorization), Error to
represent, basically, the things we want to be allowable in
@nothrow code, and ContractFailure (with children:
PreconditionFailure, PostconditionFailure, and InvariantFailure)
to indicate contract violations. This gets them out from under
the Exception umbrella in terms of having them accidentally
discarded, and gives the programmer the facility to handle them
explicitly. I'm not entirely sure how they should operate with
respect to @nothrow, but am leaning towards saying that they
should be allowable just like Error.

The question then arises, if contract failures are valid under
@nothrow, should they derive from Error? I'm inclined to say no,
because Error indicates something different. An Error results as
a natural consequence of code that should be legal everywhere.
Divide by zero, for instance. It isn't practical to outlaw
division in @nothrow code, so a divide by zero error is an Error.
But contract violations are something different and I believe
they deserve their own category.

How does this sound? It's only the beginnings of an idea so far,
but I think it's on the right track towards drawing meaningful
distinctions between error conditions in D.
bearophile via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-03 17:47:22 UTC
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
Another issue is what the error tells us about the locality of
the failure. A precondition indicates that the failure simply
occurred sometime before the precondition was called, while a
postcondition indicates that the failure occurred within the
processing of the function.
In presence of high-order functions the assignment of contract
failure blame is less simple.
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
Invariant failures might indicate either, which leads me to
think that they are too coarse-grained to be of much use. In
general, I would rather know whether the data integrity problem
was preexisting or whether it occurred as the result of my
function. Simply knowing that it exists at all is better than
nothing, but since we already have the facility for a more
detailed diagnosis, why use invariants?
Invariants are more DRY. There are plenty of state parts that can
be changed by a function, if you want to test the invariant each
time you risk duplicating that testing code in every
post-condition. The invariant helps you avoid that. It's a safety
net that helps against problems that you can forget.

monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-03 17:51:15 UTC
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
A contract has preconditions and postconditions to validate
different types of errors. Preconditions validate user input
(caller error), and postconditions validate resulting state
(callee error).
Technically, a precondition validates correct argument passing
from "caller", which is not quite the same as "user input".
"User" in this context is really the "end user", and is *not*
what contracts are made for.

Also, I don't think "postconditions" are meant to check "callee"
errors. That's what asserts do. Rather, postconditions are
verifications that can ony occur *after* the call. For example, a
function that takes an input range (no length), but says "input
range shall have exactly this amount of items..." or "input shall
be no bigger than some unknown value, which will cause a result
Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-03 18:31:20 UTC
Post by monarch_dodra via Digitalmars-d
Also, I don't think "postconditions" are meant to check
"callee" errors. That's what asserts do. Rather, postconditions
are verifications that can ony occur *after* the call. For
example, a function that takes an input range (no length), but
says "input range shall have exactly this amount of items..."
or "input shall be no bigger than some unknown value, which
will cause a result overflow".
It sounds to me like we're saying the same thing. Postconditions
test whether the function did the right thing. This might be
validating the result or validating some internal state.
Ali Çehreli via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-03 19:00:35 UTC
an API has no idea how important its proper function is to the
application writer.

Further, an API has no idea whether its caller is a "user" or a
"library". (I will expand below.)
If a programmer passes out of range arguments to a mathematical
function, his logic may be faulty, but *we have no idea what
this means to him*.
This reminds me of a discussion we had on this forum many months ago.

If I write an API function, I have no option but to call enforce()
inside the body of the function because I must be ready for a "user". I
don't want my checks to be removed by the -release compiler switch.

However, if my caller happens to be a library or a lower level code of a
program, then my enforce() calls should be turned into asserts and be
moved to the in block.

We would like to write the checks only once but tell the compiler to use
them as in contracts or enforce checks.

Here is an implementation of the idea if we wanted to do it ourselves:

1) Repeat the checks in both places, only one of which will be enabled
depending on version identifiers.

double squareRoot(double value)
mixin preConditionCheck_squareRoot!();
mixin preConditionCheck_squareRoot!();

return 42.42;

2) To test the idea, provide version identifiers during compilation:

/* Pick a combination of the two versions 'userCalled' and 'release'
* below. What happens is specified after the arrow:
* a) userCalled (no release) -> throws Exception
* b) userCalled + release -> throws Exception
* c) (no userCalled, no release) -> throws AssertError
* d) (no userCalled) release -> does not check

// version = userCalled;
// version = release;

void main()

3) Here is the horrible boiler plate that I came up with without putting
much effort into it:

mixin template preConditionCheck_squareRoot()
import std.stdio;
import std.exception;

void noop(T...)(T)

void assertCaller(T...)(T args)
assert(args[0], args[1]);

version (userCalled) {
alias checker = enforce;

} else {
version (release) {
alias checker = noop;

} else {
alias checker = assertCaller;

void check(T...)(T args)
checker(value > 0, "Value must be greater than zero.");

via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-03 19:46:15 UTC
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
Setting aside exceptions for the moment, one thing I've
realized about errors is that in most cases, an API has no idea
how important its proper function is to the application writer.
If a programmer passes out of range arguments to a
mathematical function, his logic may be faulty, but *we have no
idea what this means to him*. The confusion about whether the
parameters to a library constitute user input is ultimately the
result of this exact problem--since we have no idea of the
importance of our library in each application, we cannot
dictate how the application should react to failures within the
Yes, I agree. The exceptions are serious hardware instability
issues. Or serious errors such as a garbage collector going
bananas with no possibility of ever reclaiming any lost memory.
Those are not application level concerns. Those are kernel or
foundational runtime concerns.

I don't want my website to tank just because some library author
wrote code that is incapable of dealing with 29th of February in
a date conversion. I don't want the website to tank because a
validator throws a type related error. I want the validation to
fail, but not the program. The failure should be local to what
you are calling into.

The conversion from a local failure to a fatal error can only be
done by the application in most cases.
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
A contract has preconditions and postconditions to validate
different types of errors. Preconditions validate user input
(caller error), and postconditions validate resulting state
(callee error).
Preconditions establish what input the postconditions are
guaranteed to hold for. They don't really validate.

Preconditions say this: if you call me with other values than the
ones in the precondition you may or may not get what you want, it
is not my responsibility.
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
A precondition error suggests a logic error in the application,
and a postcondition error suggests a logic error in the
I'd rather say:

1. If you call into a function breaking the precondition, then
the calling module is responsible for any errors that may occur
later on. (or rather the contractor that wrote it)

2. If the postcondition fails for input that satisfies the
precondition then the called module is responsible. (or rather
the contractor that wrote it)
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
The function writer is in the best position to know the
implications of a postcondition failure, but has no idea what
the implications of a precondition failure might be.
If the modules are isolated then the system architect can define
which modules are critical and which are not. So he or she can
decide whether the module should continue, be turned off, logged
for manual correction at later stage, reset or if the whole
system should enter some kind of emergency mode.
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
it's reasonable to assert that not only the type of contract
error is important to know what to fix, but also to know how to
react to the problem.
Yes, and maybe even know which contractor should be called to fix
the problem.
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
But contract violations are something different and I believe
they deserve their own category.
The support for contracts in D is not really meaningful IMO. It
is basically just regular asserts with syntax dressing.
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
How does this sound? It's only the beginnings of an idea so
far, but I think it's on the right track towards drawing
meaningful distinctions between error conditions in D.
I like where you are going, but think about this:

Is infinite recursion a logic error?

It should not be considered to be, because you can solve a
problem using N strategies concurrently and choose the one that
returns a valid result first.

Hence logic errors are not fatal errors until the application
code says so.

It makes a lot of sense to cut down on the amount of code you
have to write and let runtime errors happen, then catch them and
swallow them. It makes sense to just swallow errors like typing
issues if they should not occur for a result you want to use.

You simply turn the "logic error" into a "cannot compute this"
result if that is suitable for the application. And the
programming language should not make this hard.
Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-05 21:25:42 UTC
Am Fri, 03 Oct 2014 19:46:15 +0000
schrieb "Ola Fosheim GrÞstad"
Post by via Digitalmars-d
You simply turn the "logic error" into a "cannot compute this"
result if that is suitable for the application. And the
programming language should not make this hard.
I don't get this. When we say logic error we are talking bugs
in the program. Why would anyone turn an outright bug into
"cannot compute this". When a function cannot handle division
by zero it should not be fed a zero in the first place. That's
part of input validation before getting to that point.
Or do you vote for removing these validations and wait for the
divide by zero to happen inside the callee in order to catch
it in the caller and say in hindsight: "It seems like in one
way or another this input was not computable"?
via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-05 21:51:40 UTC
Post by Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
I don't get this. When we say logic error we are talking bugs
in the program.
By what definition?

And what if I decide that I want my programs to recover from bugs
in insignificant code sections and keep going?

Is a type error in a validator a bug? It makes perfect sense to
let the runtime throw implicitly on things you cannot be bothered
to check explicitly because they should not happen for valid
input. If that is a bug, then it is a good bug that makes it
easier to write code that responds properly. The less verbose a
validator is, the easier it is to ensure that it responds in a
desirable fashion. Why force the programmer to replicate the work
that the compiler/runtime already do anyway?

Is a out-of-range-error when processing a corrupt file a bug or
it is a deliberate reliance on D's range check feature? Isn't the
range check more useful if you don't have to do explicit checks
for valid input? Useful as in: saves time and money with the same
level of correctness as long as you know what you are doing?

Is deep recursion a bug? Not really.

Is running out of memory a bug? Not really.

Is division by a very small number that is coerced to zero a bug?
Not really.

Is hitting the worst case running time which cause timeouts a
bug? Not really, it is bad luck.

Can the compiler/library/runtime reliably determine what is a bug
and what is not? Not in a consistent fashion.
Post by Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Why would anyone turn an outright bug into
"cannot compute this". When a function cannot handle division
by zero it should not be fed a zero in the first place. That's
part of input validation before getting to that point.
I disagree. When you want to computations to be performant it
makes a lot of sense to do speculative computation in a SIMD like
manner using the less robust method, then recompute the
computations that failed using a slower and more robust method.

Or simply ignore the results that were hard to compute: Think of
a ray tracer that solves very complex equations using a numerical
solver that will not always produce a meaningful result. You are
then better off using the faster solver and simply ignore the
rays that produce unreasonable results according to some
heuristics. You can compensate by firing more rays per pixel with
slightly different x/y coordinates. The alternative is to produce
images with "pixel noise" or use a much slower solver.
Post by Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Or do you vote for removing these validations and wait for the
divide by zero to happen inside the callee in order to catch
it in the caller and say in hindsight: "It seems like in one
way or another this input was not computable"?
There is a reason for why the FP handling in ALUs let this be
configurable. It is up to the application to decide.
Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-06 13:20:52 UTC
Ok, I get it. You are asking for a change in paradigms. But it
is way outside my comfort zone to say yes or no to it. I will
just go on duplicating the error checking through input
via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-06 15:16:03 UTC
Post by Marco Leise via Digitalmars-d
Ok, I get it. You are asking for a change in paradigms. But it
is way outside my comfort zone to say yes or no to it. I will
just go on duplicating the error checking through input
I think D, Go, Rust and C++ struggle with high-level vs low-level
programming. It is a difficult balancing act if you want to keep
the language/libraries reasonably simple and uniform.

Go has more or less kicked out the low-level aspect and are now
spending effort on getting acceptable response times in a high
concurrency, memory safe niche. Useful, but limited.

Rust is too young to be evaluated, but kind of attempt to get
safety through wrapping up unsafe stuff in unique_ptr boxes.
Immature and at the moment inconvenient, but they are at least
clear on keeping a razor sharp fence between unsafe and safe code.

C++ struggles with their high level effort and will do so
forever. Primarily useful if your needs for high level support is
limited and use C++ as a "better C".

Cost efficient web programming requires expressive high level
programming frameworks where things are caught at runtime by a
rich semantic system and turned into appropriate HTTP responses.
There is usually little incentive to turn off safety features.

Engine/kernel/DSP/AI programming requires low level programming
frameworks where you get to treat all data in their binary
representation or close to it. Safety features are too expensive,
but useful during debugging.

D tries to cover both, but the priorities are unclear and it
isn't suitable for either out-of-the-box. Which is natural when
you don't want to give up performance and still want to have
convenience. I guess the current focus is to take the
performance-limiting aspects of convenience out of the
language/runtime and put it into libraries so that you can more
easily configure according to the application domain.

The question is if you can do that without sacrificing ease of
use, interoperability, performance and convenience.

It will be interesting to see how D without GC plays out, though.
Dicebot via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-05 15:06:53 UTC
I agree with most parts and this pretty much fits my unhappy
experience of trying to use D assert/contract system. However I
don't feel like contracts and plain assertions should throw
different kinds of exceptions - it allows to distinguish some
cases but does not solve the problem in general. And those are
essentially the same tools so having same exception types make

Different compilation versions sound more suitable but that
creates usual distribution problems with exponential version
Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-06 14:36:42 UTC
Setting aside exceptions for the moment, one thing I've realized about
errors is that in most cases, an API has no idea how important its
proper function is to the application writer.
This is the thing I have been arguing. Inside a library, the idea of
input to the function being user defined or program-defined is not
clear. It means that any user-defined input has to be double checked in
the same exact way, to avoid having an error thrown in the case that the
library function throws an error on such input. The other side, any
program-caused errors that end up triggering exceptions (a misnamed
filename for opening a config file, for instance), needs to treat this
exception as an error and halt the program with an appropriate stack trace.

What makes sense to me is:

1. If you send in an obvious programming error (i.e. null instead of an
expected target address), throw an error. This can be done in contract
precondition scopes. Such things could NOT be generated by user.
2. If you send in something that doesn't make sense, but could be
user-generated, throw an exception. User-generated is a very fuzzy
thing, but we should conservatively assume the input is user-generated.
3. If anything happens internally to the function, treat it as an error.

If an input causes an exception, but the input was program generated,
don't catch it in the calling scope! Just let the runtime handle it as
an error, and exit the program. Any uncaught exceptions should be
treated as errors anyway.

It might be a good idea to have an umbrella exception type that means
"input invalid." This gives some easy way to catch all such exceptions
and print them properly in the case where it's user-defined input.

Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-06 18:05:03 UTC
Post by Steven Schveighoffer via Digitalmars-d
This is the thing I have been arguing. Inside a library, the idea of
input to the function being user defined or program-defined is not
clear. It means that any user-defined input has to be double checked in
the same exact way, to avoid having an error thrown in the case that the
library function throws an error on such input. The other side, any
program-caused errors that end up triggering exceptions (a misnamed
filename for opening a config file, for instance), needs to treat this
exception as an error and halt the program with an appropriate stack trace.
I kind of agree with Walter. In an ideal world all environmental errors
would throw an exception, i.e. a file cannot be found. Any other errors
would be asserts, i.e. passing null to a function not expecting it.

But I can understand that that behavior would most likely cause problems.
/Jacob Carlborg
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