On Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 15:27:25 UTC, Gary Willoughby
Post by Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-dOn Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at 15:07:22 UTC, Jonathan Marler
Post by Jonathan Marler via Digitalmars-dIMO, ASON has a nice balance between being very simple and
very nice for humans to write/maintain. I also think there
are some JSON variants that do the same thing, json5 looks
nice, but it doesn't support the SingularName feature that
ASON does which would fix the nesting issue.
I'm not necessarily arguing that Json is great or flexible. I'm
arguing, well maybe arguing is a strong word, i'm positing that
something more complicated than Json isn't really needed at
this time.
I understand the argument that it would be nice for
human-friendly constructs to be present in the dub file but is
this really a problem dub is facing at the minute?
Yes. dub is most definitely facing this problem at this minute.
Post by Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-dAre lots of devs venting their spleens over not being able to
include comments, heredoc strings and such in dub files? The
dub registry is gaining traction lets not throw an obstacle in
the road now.
heredoc's is a new one, but comments/nesting/trailing
commas/unquoted strings, yes, most assuredly yes. Have you not
been reading people's concerns about JSON? How could you say that
people aren't complaining?
Post by Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-dAlso inventing a Frankenstein format that is both a superset of
Json and SDL just sounds horrible and just sounds wrong. It's
just too much. Your effort would be better directed to
something which is an immediate problem. Not re-inventing this
particular wheel.
I most definitely wouldn't call ASON a "Frankenstein" format. I
didn't design ASON to be a superset of SDL, that's just how it
worked out. Just like YAML happens to be a superset of JSON.
Instead of saying it "sounds horrible and just sounds wrong", why
don't you look at the language spec and say what is wrong about
it. It's fine if you think we shouldn't use a new language but
even if no one ever uses it, it's helpful to know what features
people think are good/bad so we can all learn something.
Post by Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-dSonke has said Json will always be an option in dub. Which is
fantastic because now that dub has reached an official level as
the de-facto package manager we need to embrace stability and
stop this needless change which has been plaguing D forever.
Yes, JSON will always be used to represent the package format on
the back-end. So it makes sense to allow users to use it on the
front-end if they wish. And again, adding a new format isn't a
"needless change", why do you think so many people have such
strong opinions about what format to use. You seem to be one of
the only ones that thinks adding a new format (or using "lenient
JSON") is a bad thing.
Post by Gary Willoughby via Digitalmars-dI honestly think Ason should be abandoned as an unneeded
solution looking for a problem and something more stable and
recognised like Yaml or XML, etc. implemented in future *if
needed* and actually if requested by dub's users.
You seem to be stuck on the idea that I think DUB should use
ASON. I created this thread so I could learn from other people
what they think about this format and others. Even though you
haven't added anything helpful, after reading other people's
posts I'm now leaning more towards SDl. My biggest complaint is
that it might be confusing for people to go between the SDL
version and the JSON version. However, Sonke thinks that he can
make a much more friendly package format with SDL's extra
features like tag values/attributes.