Thread GC non "stop-the-world"
Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 00:15:51 UTC
The cost of using the current GC in D, although beneficial for
many types of programs, is unaffordable for programs such as
games, etc... that need to perform repetitive tasks every short
periods of time. The fact that a GC.malloc/realloc on any thread
can trigger a memory collection that stop ALL threads of the
program for a variable time prevents it. Conversations in the
forum as "RFC: reference Counted Throwable", "Escaping the
Tyranny of the GC: std.rcstring, first blood" and the @nogc
attribute show that this is increasingly perceived as a problem.
Besides the ever-recurring "reference counting", many people
propose to improve the current implementation of GC. Rainer
Schuetze developed a concurrent GC in Windows:


With some/a lot of work and a little help compiler (currently it
indicates by a flag if a class/structure contains
pointers/references to other classes/structures, it could
increase this support to indicate which fields are
pointers/references) we could implement a
semi-incremental-generational-copying GC-conservative like:


Being incremental, they try to minimize the "stop-the-world"
phase. But even with an advanced GC, as programs become more
complex and use more memory, pause time also increases. See for
example (I know it's not normal case, but in a few years ...)


(*) What if:
- It is forbidden for "__gshared" have references/pointers to
objects allocated by the GC (if the compiler can help with this
prohibition, perfect, if not the developer have to know what he
is doing)
- "shared" types are not allocated by the GC (they could be
reference counted or manually released or ...)
- "immutable" types are no longer implicitly "shared"

In short, the memory accessible from multiple threads is not
managed by the GC.

With these restrictions each thread would have its "I_Allocator",
whose default implementation would be an
incremental-generational-semi-conservative-copying GC, with no
inteference with any of the other program threads (it should be
responsible only for the memory reserved for that thread). Other
implementations of "I_Allocator" could be based on Andrei's
allocators. With "setThreadAllocator" (similar to current
gc_setProxy) you could switch between the different
implementations if you need. Threads with critical time
requirements could work with an implementation of "I_Allocator"
not based on the GC. It would be possible simulate scoped classes:

scope(exit) {
auto obj = MyClass();
// Destructor are called and memory released

Obviously changes (*) break compatibility with existing code, and
therefore maybe they are not appropriate for D2. Also these are
general ideas, sure these changes lead to other problems. But the
point I want to convey is that in my opinion, while these
problems are solvable, a language for "system programming" is
incompatible with shared data managed by a GC

Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 01:58:48 UTC
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
The cost of using the current GC in D, although beneficial for
many types of programs, is unaffordable for programs such as
games, etc... that need to perform repetitive tasks every short
periods of time. The fact that a GC.malloc/realloc on any
thread can trigger a memory collection that stop ALL threads of
the program for a variable time prevents it. Conversations in
the forum as "RFC: reference Counted Throwable", "Escaping the
attribute show that this is increasingly perceived as a problem.
Besides the ever-recurring "reference counting", many people
propose to improve the current implementation of GC. Rainer
With some/a lot of work and a little help compiler (currently
it indicates by a flag if a class/structure contains
pointers/references to other classes/structures, it could
increase this support to indicate which fields are
pointers/references) we could implement a
Being incremental, they try to minimize the "stop-the-world"
phase. But even with an advanced GC, as programs become more
complex and use more memory, pause time also increases. See for
example (I know it's not normal case, but in a few years ...)
- It is forbidden for "__gshared" have references/pointers to
objects allocated by the GC (if the compiler can help with this
prohibition, perfect, if not the developer have to know what he
is doing)
- "shared" types are not allocated by the GC (they could be
reference counted or manually released or ...)
- "immutable" types are no longer implicitly "shared"
In short, the memory accessible from multiple threads is not
managed by the GC.
With these restrictions each thread would have its
"I_Allocator", whose default implementation would be an
incremental-generational-semi-conservative-copying GC, with no
inteference with any of the other program threads (it should be
responsible only for the memory reserved for that thread).
Other implementations of "I_Allocator" could be based on
Andrei's allocators. With "setThreadAllocator" (similar to
current gc_setProxy) you could switch between the different
implementations if you need. Threads with critical time
requirements could work with an implementation of "I_Allocator"
not based on the GC. It would be possible simulate scoped
scope(exit) {
auto obj = MyClass();
// Destructor are called and memory released
Obviously changes (*) break compatibility with existing code,
and therefore maybe they are not appropriate for D2. Also these
are general ideas, sure these changes lead to other problems.
But the point I want to convey is that in my opinion, while
these problems are solvable, a language for "system
programming" is incompatible with shared data managed by a GC
Short, I dislike pretty much all changes to __gshared/shared.
Breaks too many things.
Atleast with Cmsed, (I'm evil here) where I use __gshared
essentially as a read only variable but modifiable when starting
up (to modify need synchronized, to read doesn't).

I have already suggested before in threads something similar to
what your suggesting with regards to setting allocator except:

The memory manager is in a stack. Default is GC e.g. the current
Compiler knows which pointers escapes. Can pass to pure functions

with(myAllocator) { // myAllocator.opWithIn
} // myAllocator.opWithCanFree
// myAllocator.opWithOut

class MyAllocator : Allocator {
override void opWithIn(string func = __FUNCTION__, int line =
__LINE__) {

override void opWithCanFree(void** freeablePointers) {

override void opWithOut(string func = __FUNCTION__, int line =
__LINE__) {

void* alloc(size_t amount) {
return ...;

void free(void*) {

You may have something about thread allocators though. Humm
druntime would already need changes so maybe.

Ehh this really needs a DIP instead of me whining. If I do it,
ETA December.
Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 18:39:08 UTC
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 01:58:50 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
Post by Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d
Short, I dislike pretty much all changes to __gshared/shared.
Breaks too many things.
Atleast with Cmsed, (I'm evil here) where I use __gshared
essentially as a read only variable but modifiable when
starting up (to modify need synchronized, to read doesn't).
Yeah, these changes break many things, and so are not suitable
for D2. My intention was only to point out how expensive is for
the GC to deal with shared memory.

Come to think a little more: what if each thread can have its own
GC, but by default all use the current GC (this would require
minimal changes to druntime). "__gshared", "shared" and
"immutable", continue as now, which does not break anything. If I
as a programmer take care of managing (either manually or through
reference counting) all of the shared memory ("__gshared",
"shared" or "immutable") that can be referenced from multiple
threads, I could replace in my program the global GC by a
indiviual thread GC

I'll try to implement a GC optimized for a thread and try that
via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 08:13:14 UTC
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 01:58:50 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
Post by Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d
Short, I dislike pretty much all changes to __gshared/shared.
Breaks too many things.
Atleast with Cmsed, (I'm evil here) where I use __gshared
essentially as a read only variable but modifiable when
starting up (to modify need synchronized, to read doesn't).
Yeah, these changes break many things, and so are not suitable
for D2. My intention was only to point out how expensive is for
the GC to deal with shared memory.
Come to think a little more: what if each thread can have its
own GC, but by default all use the current GC (this would
require minimal changes to druntime). "__gshared", "shared" and
"immutable", continue as now, which does not break anything. If
I as a programmer take care of managing (either manually or
through reference counting) all of the shared memory
("__gshared", "shared" or "immutable") that can be referenced
from multiple threads, I could replace in my program the global
GC by a indiviual thread GC
I'll try to implement a GC optimized for a thread and try that
There can also be a shared _and_ a local GC at the same time, and
a thread could opt from the shared GC (or choose not to opt in by
not allocating from the shared heap).
Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 20:15:51 UTC
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 08:13:15 UTC, Marc SchÃŒtz
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 18:39:09 UTC, Oscar Martin
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 01:58:50 UTC, Rikki
Post by Rikki Cattermole via Digitalmars-d
Short, I dislike pretty much all changes to __gshared/shared.
Breaks too many things.
Atleast with Cmsed, (I'm evil here) where I use __gshared
essentially as a read only variable but modifiable when
starting up (to modify need synchronized, to read doesn't).
Yeah, these changes break many things, and so are not suitable
for D2. My intention was only to point out how expensive is
for the GC to deal with shared memory.
Come to think a little more: what if each thread can have its
own GC, but by default all use the current GC (this would
require minimal changes to druntime). "__gshared", "shared"
and "immutable", continue as now, which does not break
anything. If I as a programmer take care of managing (either
manually or through reference counting) all of the shared
memory ("__gshared", "shared" or "immutable") that can be
referenced from multiple threads, I could replace in my
program the global GC by a indiviual thread GC
I'll try to implement a GC optimized for a thread and try that
There can also be a shared _and_ a local GC at the same time,
and a thread could opt from the shared GC (or choose not to opt
in by not allocating from the shared heap).
Yes, a shared GC should be a possibility, but how you avoid the
"stop-the-world" phase for that GC?

Obviously this pause can be minimized by performing the most work
out of that phase, but after seeing the test of other people on
internet about advanced GCs (java, .net) I do not think it's
enough for some programs

But hey, I guess it's enough to cover the greatest number of
cases. My goal is to start implementing the thread GC. Then I
will do testing of performance and pauses (my program requires
managing audio every 10 ms) and then I might dare to implement
the shared GC, which is obviously more complex if desired to
minimize the pauses. We'll see what the outcome
Wyatt via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-25 13:55:40 UTC
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 20:15:52 UTC, Oscar Martin
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 08:13:15 UTC, Marc SchÃŒtz
Post by via Digitalmars-d
There can also be a shared _and_ a local GC at the same time,
and a thread could opt from the shared GC (or choose not to
opt in by not allocating from the shared heap).
Yes, a shared GC should be a possibility, but how you avoid the
"stop-the-world" phase for that GC?
Obviously this pause can be minimized by performing the most
work out of that phase, but after seeing the test of other
people on internet about advanced GCs (java, .net) I do not
think it's enough for some programs
But hey, I guess it's enough to cover the greatest number of
cases. My goal is to start implementing the thread GC. Then I
will do testing of performance and pauses (my program requires
managing audio every 10 ms) and then I might dare to implement
the shared GC, which is obviously more complex if desired to
minimize the pauses. We'll see what the outcome
This thread reminds me again of a paper I read a few months ago
with a clever way of dealing with the sharing problem while
maintaining performance:

The caveat for D being this design requires read and write
barriers and I'm pretty sure I recall correctly that those have
been vetoed several times for complexity.

Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-25 21:20:56 UTC
Post by Wyatt via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 20:15:52 UTC, Oscar Martin
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 08:13:15 UTC, Marc SchÃŒtz
Post by via Digitalmars-d
There can also be a shared _and_ a local GC at the same time,
and a thread could opt from the shared GC (or choose not to
opt in by not allocating from the shared heap).
Yes, a shared GC should be a possibility, but how you avoid
the "stop-the-world" phase for that GC?
Obviously this pause can be minimized by performing the most
work out of that phase, but after seeing the test of other
people on internet about advanced GCs (java, .net) I do not
think it's enough for some programs
But hey, I guess it's enough to cover the greatest number of
cases. My goal is to start implementing the thread GC. Then I
will do testing of performance and pauses (my program requires
managing audio every 10 ms) and then I might dare to implement
the shared GC, which is obviously more complex if desired to
minimize the pauses. We'll see what the outcome
This thread reminds me again of a paper I read a few months ago
with a clever way of dealing with the sharing problem while
The caveat for D being this design requires read and write
barriers and I'm pretty sure I recall correctly that those have
been vetoed several times for complexity.
An interesting paper. Thank you very much
Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-25 21:59:13 UTC
Post by Wyatt via Digitalmars-d
The caveat for D being this design requires read and write
barriers and I'm pretty sure I recall correctly that those have
been vetoed several times for complexity.
Pretty much for reasons of being able to call C functions and
inline asm code. Memory barriers may still be possible in these
scenarios, but they would be extremely expensive.
Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 09:04:45 UTC
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
- It is forbidden for "__gshared" have references/pointers to
objects allocated by the GC (if the compiler can help with this
prohibition, perfect, if not the developer have to know what he
is doing)
- "shared" types are not allocated by the GC (they could be
reference counted or manually released or ...)
- "immutable" types are no longer implicitly "shared"
In short, the memory accessible from multiple threads is not
managed by the GC.
A use case, which comes to mind: a game saves progress to the
server, the main thread prepares data to be saved (a relatively
lightweight operation) and hands it over to another thread, which
saves the data in background. How would you do it?
via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 10:08:08 UTC
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 00:15:51 UTC, Oscar Martin
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
- It is forbidden for "__gshared" have references/pointers to
objects allocated by the GC (if the compiler can help with
this prohibition, perfect, if not the developer have to know
what he is doing)
- "shared" types are not allocated by the GC (they could be
reference counted or manually released or ...)
- "immutable" types are no longer implicitly "shared"
In short, the memory accessible from multiple threads is not
managed by the GC.
A use case, which comes to mind: a game saves progress to the
server, the main thread prepares data to be saved (a relatively
lightweight operation) and hands it over to another thread,
which saves the data in background. How would you do it?
This can be done without sharing. Of course, a uniqueness concept
would be needed.
Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 10:38:28 UTC
The question is how thread-local GC will account for data passed
to another thread.
via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 12:07:59 UTC
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
The question is how thread-local GC will account for data
passed to another thread.
std.concurrency.send() could notify the GC.
Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 15:23:12 UTC
And what GC does? Pins the allocated blocks for another thread?
via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 15:28:29 UTC
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
And what GC does? Pins the allocated blocks for another thread?
Assuming there is one thread-local GC per thread, it transfers
responsibility of the allocated data from the sender to the
receiver. This means, the old GC doesn't need to scan it any
more, but the new one does.
Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 18:53:04 UTC
Post by via Digitalmars-d
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
And what GC does? Pins the allocated blocks for another thread?
Assuming there is one thread-local GC per thread, it transfers
responsibility of the allocated data from the sender to the
receiver. This means, the old GC doesn't need to scan it any
more, but the new one does.
Yes. A mechanism for transfer of responsibility and pins would be

Basically we have to think that a thread GC just look for roots
on his stack/registers and managed memory, and may move the
managed objects in a collection, so a reference used in another
thread may become invalid for that other thread anytime
via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 08:11:40 UTC
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 15:28:30 UTC, Marc SchÃŒtz
Post by via Digitalmars-d
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
And what GC does? Pins the allocated blocks for another
Assuming there is one thread-local GC per thread, it transfers
responsibility of the allocated data from the sender to the
receiver. This means, the old GC doesn't need to scan it any
more, but the new one does.
Yes. A mechanism for transfer of responsibility and pins would
be needed.
Basically we have to think that a thread GC just look for roots
on his stack/registers and managed memory, and may move the
managed objects in a collection, so a reference used in another
thread may become invalid for that other thread anytime
Physically moving the objects is not necessary, it only needs to
"move" the responsibility. With some work, it might even be
possible to move the objects' metadata from the old to the new
heap, so that each GC would only need to access its own heap
during a scan, which avoids synchronization with the other
David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 16:47:08 UTC
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
The question is how thread-local GC will account for data
passed to another thread.
I was briefly discussing this with Andrei at (I think) DConf
2013. I suggested moving data to a separate global GC heap on
casting stuff to shared. Assigning types with indirections to a
__gshared variable might also trigger this, unless we can find a
better design. IIRC, Andrei dismissed this as impractical due to
the overhead and need for precise scanning. I still like to think
that it would be worth it, though, even if I can't spare the time
for looking into an implementation right now.

Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 18:14:44 UTC
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 16:47:09 UTC, David Nadlinger
Post by David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
The question is how thread-local GC will account for data
passed to another thread.
I was briefly discussing this with Andrei at (I think) DConf
2013. I suggested moving data to a separate global GC heap on
casting stuff to shared.
... and casting to invariant, since invariant is implicitly
shared (insert cuss-words here).
Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-23 19:00:57 UTC
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 16:47:09 UTC, David Nadlinger
Post by David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
The question is how thread-local GC will account for data
passed to another thread.
I was briefly discussing this with Andrei at (I think) DConf
2013. I suggested moving data to a separate global GC heap on
casting stuff to shared. Assigning types with indirections to a
__gshared variable might also trigger this, unless we can find
a better design. IIRC, Andrei dismissed this as impractical due
to the overhead and need for precise scanning. I still like to
think that it would be worth it, though, even if I can't spare
the time for looking into an implementation right now.
Yes, it could be a palliative measure, and yes, it require
precise scanning. I do not think it is easy to implement on the

And in any case I believe the problem is to have multiple
references to the same object from different threads, which
forces you to "stop-the-world". That problem still exist
Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 11:59:51 UTC
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 16:47:09 UTC, David Nadlinger
Post by David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d
I was briefly discussing this with Andrei at (I think) DConf
2013. I suggested moving data to a separate global GC heap on
casting stuff to shared.
Yes, that sounds expensive. A real example from my work: client
receives big dataset (~1GB) from server in a background thread,
builds and checks constraints and indexes (which is sort of
expensive too; RBTree) and hands it over to the main thread. And
client machine is not quite powerful for frequent marshaling of
such big dataset, handling it at all is enough of a problem. If
you copied it twice, you have 3GB working set, and GC needs
somewhat 2x reserve, raising memory requirements to 6GB, without
dup requirements are 1-2GB. Also when you trigger collection
during copying to shared GC, what it does, stops the world again?
Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 14:36:12 UTC
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 16:47:09 UTC, David Nadlinger
Post by David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d
I was briefly discussing this with Andrei at (I think) DConf
2013. I suggested moving data to a separate global GC heap on
casting stuff to shared.
Yes, that sounds expensive. A real example from my work: client
receives big dataset (~1GB) from server in a background thread,
builds and checks constraints and indexes (which is sort of
expensive too; RBTree) and hands it over to the main thread.
And client machine is not quite powerful for frequent
marshaling of such big dataset, handling it at all is enough of
a problem. If you copied it twice, you have 3GB working set,
and GC needs somewhat 2x reserve, raising memory requirements
to 6GB, without dup requirements are 1-2GB. Also when you
trigger collection during copying to shared GC, what it does,
stops the world again?
Large allocations are the easy case, as the allocation lives in
its own pool and you can just move the entire pool. Copying
objects is the tricky part...
Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-25 11:09:29 UTC
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
Large allocations are the easy case, as the allocation lives in
its own pool and you can just move the entire pool.
Dataset is not a contiguous object. It's like an in-memory
database: tables can added or removed from it, rows can be added
or removed from tables, fields in rows can be set with various
values. In the end a dataset is a collection of a big number of
relatively small objects, big datasets are collections of big
numbers of objects.
Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 20:24:01 UTC
Post by Sean Kelly via Digitalmars-d
On Tuesday, 23 September 2014 at 16:47:09 UTC, David Nadlinger
Post by David Nadlinger via Digitalmars-d
I was briefly discussing this with Andrei at (I think) DConf
2013. I suggested moving data to a separate global GC heap on
casting stuff to shared.
Yes, that sounds expensive. A real example from my work: client
receives big dataset (~1GB) from server in a background thread,
builds and checks constraints and indexes (which is sort of
expensive too; RBTree) and hands it over to the main thread.
And client machine is not quite powerful for frequent
marshaling of such big dataset, handling it at all is enough of
a problem. If you copied it twice, you have 3GB working set,
and GC needs somewhat 2x reserve, raising memory requirements
to 6GB, without dup requirements are 1-2GB. Also when you
trigger collection during copying to shared GC, what it does,
stops the world again?
Yes, that's the problem I see with the shared GC. But I think
cases like this should be solved "easily" with a mechanism for
transfer of responsibility between thread GCs. The truly
problematic cases are shared objects with roots in various threads
Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-25 11:21:21 UTC
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 20:24:01 UTC, Oscar Martin
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
Yes, that's the problem I see with the shared GC. But I think
cases like this should be solved "easily" with a mechanism for
transfer of responsibility between thread GCs. The truly
problematic cases are shared objects with roots in various
You might want to look at Nimrod. AFAIK, it uses thread-local GC
and thread groups are planned to be introduced; as I understand,
shared GC will stop only threads in a group and not other groups.
deadalnix via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-24 02:05:49 UTC
Post by Kagamin via Digitalmars-d
The question is how thread-local GC will account for data
passed to another thread.
I don't think you clearly understand what thread local means.

Also, there is reason why I'm beating the drum to get an
ownership type qualifier. So you can transfer ownership.
Rainer Schuetze via Digitalmars-d
2014-09-28 09:00:48 UTC
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
With some/a lot of work and a little help compiler (currently it
indicates by a flag if a class/structure contains pointers/references to
other classes/structures, it could increase this support to indicate
which fields are pointers/references)

we could implement a
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
Being incremental, they try to minimize the "stop-the-world" phase. But
even with an advanced GC, as programs become more complex and use more
memory, pause time also increases. See for example (I know it's not
normal case, but in a few years ...)
As others have already mentioned, incremental GCs need read/write
barriers. There is currently resistence to implementing these in the
compiler, the alternative in the library is using page protection, but
this is very coarse.

"semi-incremental-generational-copying" is probably asking to much in
one step ;-)
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
- It is forbidden for "__gshared" have references/pointers to objects
allocated by the GC (if the compiler can help with this prohibition,
perfect, if not the developer have to know what he is doing)
- "shared" types are not allocated by the GC (they could be reference
counted or manually released or ...)
shared objects will eventually contain references to other objects that
you don't want to handle manually (e.g. string). That means you will
have to add the memory range of the shared object to some GC for
scanning. Back to square one...
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
- "immutable" types are no longer implicitly "shared"
In short, the memory accessible from multiple threads is not managed by
the GC.
Is the compiler meant to help via the type system? I don't think this
works as AFAIK the recommended way to work with shared objects is to
cast away shared after synchronizing on some mutex:

class C
void doWork() { /*...*/ }

void doSharedWork() shared
C self = cast(C)this;

Maybe I missed other patterns to use shared (apart from atomics on
primitive types). Are there any?
Post by Oscar Martin via Digitalmars-d
With these restrictions each thread would have its "I_Allocator", whose
default implementation would be an
incremental-generational-semi-conservative-copying GC, with no
inteference with any of the other program threads (it should be
responsible only for the memory reserved for that thread). Other
implementations of "I_Allocator" could be based on Andrei's allocators.
With "setThreadAllocator" (similar to current gc_setProxy) you could
switch between the different implementations if you need. Threads with
critical time requirements could work with an implementation of
"I_Allocator" not based on the GC. It would be possible simulate scoped
scope(exit) {
auto obj = MyClass();
// Destructor are called and memory released
There is a DIP by Walter with similar functionality:

Continue reading on narkive: