Request for review - std.serialization (orange)
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-24 21:03:59 UTC
std.serialization (orange) is now ready to be reviewed.

A couple of notes for the review:

* The most important packages are: orange.serialization and

* The unit tests are located in its own package, I'm not very happy
about putting the unit tests in the same module as the rest of the code,
i.e. the serialization module. What are the options? These test are
quite high level. They test the whole Serializer class and not
individual functions.

* I'm using some utility functions located in the "util" and "core"
packages, what should we do about those, where to put them?

* Trailing whitespace and tabs will be fixed when/if the package gets

* If this get accepted should I do a sub-tree merge (or what it's
called) to keep the history intact?

Changes since last time:

* I've removed any Tango and D1 related code
* I've removed all unused functions (hopefully)

For usage examples, see the github wiki pages:

For more extended usage examples, see the unit tests:

Sources: https://github.com/jacob-carlborg/orange
Documentation: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/18386187/orange_docs/Serializer.html
Run unit tests: execute the unittest.sh shell script

(Don't forget clicking the "Package" tab in the top corner to see the
documentation for the rest of the modules)
/Jacob Carlborg
Andrej Mitrovic
2013-03-24 21:41:24 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
A small example actually writing the xml file to disk and the reading
back from it would be beneficial.

Btw the library doesn't build with the -w switch:

orange\xml\PhobosXml.d(2536): Error: switch case fallthrough - use
'goto case;' if intended
2013-03-25 01:16:19 UTC
Just at a glance, a few things strike me...

Phobos doesn't typically use classes, seems to prefer flat functions. Are
we happy with classes in this instance?
Use of caps in the filenames/functions is not very phobos like.

Can I have a post-de-serialise callback to recalculate transient data?

Why register serialiser's, and structures that can be operated on? (I'm not
a big fan of registrations of this sort personally, if they can be avoided)

Is there a mechanism to deal with pointers, or do you just serialise
through the pointer? Some sort of reference system so objects pointing at
the same object instance will deserialise pointing at the same object
instance (or a new copy thereof)?

Is it fast? I see in your custom deserialise example, you deserialise
members by string name... does it need to FIND those in the stream by name,
or does it just use that to validate the sequence?
I have a serialiser that serialises in realtime (60fps), a good fair few
megabytes of data per frame... will orange handle this?

Documentation, what attributes are available? How to use them?

You only seem to provide an XML backend. What about JSON? Binary (with
endian awareness)?

Writing an Archiver looks a lot more involved than I would have imagined.
XmlArchive.d is huge, mostly just 'ditto'.
Should unarchiveXXX() not rather be unarchive!(XXX)(), allowing to minimise
most of those function definitions?
Post by Andrej Mitrovic
Post by Jacob Carlborg
A small example actually writing the xml file to disk and the reading
back from it would be beneficial.
orange\xml\PhobosXml.d(2536): Error: switch case fallthrough - use
'goto case;' if intended
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Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-25 08:53:30 UTC
Post by Manu
Just at a glance, a few things strike me...
Phobos doesn't typically use classes, seems to prefer flat functions.
It's necessary to have a class or struct to pass around. The serializer
is passed to method/functions doing custom serialization. I could create
a free function that encapsulates the classes for the common use cases.
Post by Manu
Are we happy with classes in this instance?
Use of caps in the filenames/functions is not very phobos like.
Yeah, that will be fixed if accepted. As you see, it's still a separate
library and not included into Phobos.
Post by Manu
Can I have a post-de-serialise callback to recalculate transient data?
Yes. There are three ways to custom the serialization process.

1. Take complete control of the process (for the type) by adding
toData/fromData to your types


2. Take complete control of the process (for the type) by registering a
function pointer/delegate as a serializer for a given type. Useful for
serializing third party types


3. Add the onDeserialized attribute to a method in the type being serialized


I noticed that the documentation for the attributes don't look so good.
Post by Manu
Why register serialiser's, and structures that can be operated on? (I'm
not a big fan of registrations of this sort personally, if they can be
The only time when registering a serializer is really necessary is when
serializing through a base class reference. Otherwise the use cases are
when customizing the serialization process.
Post by Manu
Is there a mechanism to deal with pointers, or do you just serialise
through the pointer? Some sort of reference system so objects pointing
at the same object instance will deserialise pointing at the same object
instance (or a new copy thereof)?
Yes. All references types (including pointers) are only serialized ones.
If a pointer, that is serialized, is pointing to data not being
serialized it serialize what it's pointing to as well.

If you're curious about the internals I suggest you serialize some
class/strcut hierarchy and look at the XML data. It should be readable.
Post by Manu
Is it fast? I see in your custom deserialise example, you deserialise
members by string name... does it need to FIND those in the stream by
name, or does it just use that to validate the sequence?
That's up to the archive how to implemented. But the idea is that it
should be able to find by name in the serialized data. That is kind of
an implicit contract between the archive and the serializer.
Post by Manu
I have a serialiser that serialises in realtime (60fps), a good fair few
megabytes of data per frame... will orange handle this?
Probably not. I think it mostly depends on the archive used. The XML
module in Phobos is really, REALLY slow. Serializing the same data with
Tango (D1) is at least twice as fast. I have started to work on an
archive type that just tries to be as fast as possible. That:

* Break the implicit contract with the serializer
* Doesn't care about endians
* Doesn't care if the fields have changed
* May not handle slices correctly
* And some other things
Post by Manu
Documentation, what attributes are available? How to use them?

Is this clear enough?
Post by Manu
You only seem to provide an XML backend. What about JSON? Binary (with
endian awareness)?
Yeah, that is not implemented yet. Is it necessary before adding to to
Post by Manu
Writing an Archiver looks a lot more involved than I would have
imagined. XmlArchive.d is huge, mostly just 'ditto'.
Should unarchiveXXX() not rather be unarchive!(XXX)(), allowing to
minimise most of those function definitions?
Yeah, it has kind of a big API. The reason is to be able to use
interfaces. Seriailzer contains a reference to an archive, typed as the
interface Archive. If you're using custom serialization I don't think it
would be good to lock yourself to a specific archive type.

BTW, unarchiveXXX is forwarded to a private unarchive!(XXX)() in XmlArchive.

With classes and interfaces:

class Serializer
interface Archive
class XmlArchive : Archive

Archive archive = new XmlArchive;
auto serializer = new Serializer(archive);

struct Foo
void toData (Serializer serializer, Serializer.Data key);

With templates:

class Serializer (T)
class XmlArchive

auto archive = new XmlArchive;
auto serializer = new Serializer!(XmlArchive)(archive);

struct Foo
void toData (Serializer!(XmlArchive) serializer, Serializer.Data key);

Foo is now locked to the XmlArchive. Or:

class Bar
void toData (T) (Serializer!(T) serializer, Serializer.Data key);

toData cannot be virtual.
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 10:40:52 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
class Serializer (T)
class XmlArchive
auto archive = new XmlArchive;
auto serializer = new Serializer!(XmlArchive)(archive);
struct Foo
void toData (Serializer!(XmlArchive) serializer,
Serializer.Data key);
class Bar
void toData (T) (Serializer!(T) serializer, Serializer.Data key);
toData cannot be virtual.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 17:33:23 UTC
Post by Kagamin
So instead Serializer gets a huge API?
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 19:02:03 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Kagamin
So instead Serializer gets a huge API?
Are a lot of serializers expected to be written? Archives are.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 21:24:27 UTC
Post by Kagamin
Are a lot of serializers expected to be written? Archives are.
Hmm, maybe it could work.
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 19:15:18 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Kagamin
So instead Serializer gets a huge API?
The point is to have Serializer as an encapsulation point, not
archiver. API can remain the same, it's just calls to the
archiver are to be routed through Serializer's virtual methods,
not archiver's.
2013-03-31 19:27:11 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Kagamin
So instead Serializer gets a huge API?
As an alternative routing can be handled in the archiver by a
template mixin, which defines virtual methods and routes them to
a templated method written by the implementer. So it will be the
implementer's choice whether to use mixin helper or implement
methods manually.
2013-03-31 19:30:11 UTC
Manual implementation is probably better for PB.
2013-03-31 21:40:43 UTC
A "MyArchive" example can be useful too. The basic idea is to
write a minimal archive class with basic test code. All methods
assert(false,"method archive(dchar) not implemented"); the
example complies and runs, but asserts. So people take the
example and fill methods with their own implementations, thus
incrementally building their archive class.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-01 08:38:50 UTC
A "MyArchive" example can be useful too. The basic idea is to write a
minimal archive class with basic test code. All methods
assert(false,"method archive(dchar) not implemented"); the example
complies and runs, but asserts. So people take the example and fill
methods with their own implementations, thus incrementally building
their archive class.
Yes, if the API is change to what you're suggesting.
/Jacob Carlborg
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-25 07:45:49 UTC
Post by Andrej Mitrovic
A small example actually writing the xml file to disk and the reading
back from it would be beneficial.
Ok, so just adding write and read to disk to the usage example on the
github page?
Post by Andrej Mitrovic
orange\xml\PhobosXml.d(2536): Error: switch case fallthrough - use
'goto case;' if intended
Good catch.
/Jacob Carlborg
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-25 19:36:51 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
std.serialization (orange) is now ready to be reviewed.
Just so there is no confusion. If it gets accepted I will replace tabs
with spaces, fix the column limit and change all filenames to lowercase.
/Jacob Carlborg
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-27 12:34:07 UTC
Post by Andrej Mitrovic
orange\xml\PhobosXml.d(2536): Error: switch case fallthrough - use
'goto case;' if intended
PhobosXml is a local copy of std.xml with a few small modifications. If
accepted I'll make the changes to std.xml and remove PhobosXml.
/Jacob Carlborg
Jesse Phillips
2013-03-30 20:02:47 UTC
Hello Jacob,

These comments are based on looking into adding Protocol Buffer
as an archive. First some details on the PB format.

1) It is a binary format
2) Not all D types can be serialized
3) Serialization is done by message (struct) and not by primitives
4) It defines options which can affect (de)serializing.

I am looking at using Serializer to drive (de)serialization even
if that meant just jamming it in there where Orange could only
read PB data it has written. Keep in mind I'm not saying these
are requirements or that I know what I'm talking about, only my

My first thought was at a minimum I could just use a function
which does the complete (de)serialization of the type. Which
would be great since the pbcompiler I'm using/modifying already
does this.

Because of the way custom serialization I'm stopped by point 3. I
didn't realize that at first so I also looked at implementing an
Archive. What I notice here is

* Information is lost, specifically the attributes (more
important with UDA).
* I am required to implement conversions I have no implementation

This leaves me concluding that I'd need to implement my own
Serializer, which seems to me I'm practically reimplementing most
of Orange to use Orange with PB.

Does having Orange support things like PB make sense?

I think some work could be done for the Archive API as it doesn't
feel like D2. Maybe we could look at locking down custom
Archive/Serializer classes while the internals are worked out
(would mean XML (de)serialization is available in Phobos).
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-30 20:47:32 UTC
Post by Jesse Phillips
Hello Jacob,
These comments are based on looking into adding Protocol Buffer as an
archive. First some details on the PB format.
1) It is a binary format
That shouldn't be a problem. Preferably it should support some kind of
identity map and be able to deserialize fields in any order.
Post by Jesse Phillips
2) Not all D types can be serialized
Any data format that supports some kind of key-value mapping should be
able to serialize all D types. Although, possibly in a format that is
not idiomatic for that data format. XML doesn't have any types and the
XML archive can serialize any D type.
Post by Jesse Phillips
3) Serialization is done by message (struct) and not by primitives
I'm not sure I understand this.
Post by Jesse Phillips
4) It defines options which can affect (de)serializing.
While Orange doesn't support the options Protocol Buffer seems to use
directly, it should be possible by customizing the serialization of a
type. See:


Alternatively they are useful enough to have direct support in the
Post by Jesse Phillips
I am looking at using Serializer to drive (de)serialization even if that
meant just jamming it in there where Orange could only read PB data it
has written. Keep in mind I'm not saying these are requirements or that
I know what I'm talking about, only my thoughts.
That should be possible. I've been working a binary archive that tries
to be as fast as possible, breaking rules to the left and right, doesn't
conform to the implicit contract between the serializer and archive and
so on.
Post by Jesse Phillips
My first thought was at a minimum I could just use a function which does
the complete (de)serialization of the type. Which would be great since
the pbcompiler I'm using/modifying already does this.
Because of the way custom serialization I'm stopped by point 3. I didn't
realize that at first so I also looked at implementing an Archive. What
I notice here is
* Information is lost, specifically the attributes (more important with
Do you want UDA's passed to the archive for a give type or field? I
don't know how easy that would be to implement. It would probably
require a template method in the archive, which I would like to avoid,
since it wouldn't be possible to use via an interface.
Post by Jesse Phillips
* I am required to implement conversions I have no implementation for.
Just implement an empty method for any method you don't have use for. If
it needs to return a value, you can most of return typeof(return).init.
Post by Jesse Phillips
This leaves me concluding that I'd need to implement my own Serializer,
which seems to me I'm practically reimplementing most of Orange to use
Orange with PB.
That doesn't sound good.
Post by Jesse Phillips
Does having Orange support things like PB make sense?
I think so.
Post by Jesse Phillips
I think some work could be done for the Archive API as it doesn't feel
like D2.
It started for D1.
Post by Jesse Phillips
Maybe we could look at locking down custom Archive/Serializer
classes while the internals are worked out (would mean XML
(de)serialization is available in Phobos).
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 11:23:26 UTC
Post by Jesse Phillips
3) Serialization is done by message (struct) and not by
PB does serialize by primitives and Archive has archiveStruct
method which is called to serialize struct, I believe. At first
sight orange serializes using built-in grammar (in EXI terms),
and since PB uses schema-informed grammar, you have to provide
schema to the archiver: either keep it in the archiver or store
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 17:36:08 UTC
PB does serialize by primitives and Archive has archiveStruct method
which is called to serialize struct, I believe. At first sight orange
serializes using built-in grammar (in EXI terms), and since PB uses
either keep it in the archiver or store globally.
The actual struct is never passed to the archive in Orange. It's
basically lets the archive know, "the next primitives belong to a struct".
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 19:06:04 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
The actual struct is never passed to the archive in Orange.
It's basically lets the archive know, "the next primitives
belong to a struct".
Knowing the struct type name one may select the matching schema.
In the case of PB the schema collection is just
int[string][string] - maps type names to field maps.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 21:25:47 UTC
Knowing the struct type name one may select the matching schema. In the
case of PB the schema collection is just int[string][string] - maps type
names to field maps.
Ok. I'm not familiar with Protocol Buffers.
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-03-31 21:57:27 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Ok. I'm not familiar with Protocol Buffers.
Well, the basic idea of EXI and similar standards is that you can
have 2 types of serialization: built-in when you keep schema in
the serialized message - which value belongs to which field (this
way you can read and write any data structure) or schema-informed
when the serializer knows what data it works with, so it omits
schema from the message and e.g. writes two int fields as just
consecutive 8 bytes - it knows that these 8 bytes are 2 ints and
which field each belongs to; the drawback is that you can't read
the message without schema, the advantage is smaller message size
and faster serialization.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-01 08:51:11 UTC
Well, the basic idea of EXI and similar standards is that you can have 2
types of serialization: built-in when you keep schema in the serialized
message - which value belongs to which field (this way you can read and
write any data structure) or schema-informed when the serializer knows
what data it works with, so it omits schema from the message and e.g.
writes two int fields as just consecutive 8 bytes - it knows that these
8 bytes are 2 ints and which field each belongs to; the drawback is that
you can't read the message without schema, the advantage is smaller
message size and faster serialization.
I see.
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-01 05:15:44 UTC
It's a pull parser? Hmm... how reordered fields are supposed to
be handled? When the archiver is requested for a field, it will
probably need to look ahead for the field in the entire message.
Also arrays can be discontinuous both in xml and in pb. Also if
the archiver is requested for a missing field, it may be a bad
idea to return typeof(return).init as it will overwrite the
default value for the field in the structure. Though, this may be
a minor issue: field usually is missing because it's obsolete,
but the serializer will spend time requesting missing fields.

As a schema-informed serialization, PB works better with
specialized code, so it's better to provide a means for
specialized serialization, where components will be tightly
coupled, and the archiver will have full access to the serialized
type and will be able to infer schema. Isn't serialization
simpler when you have access to the type?
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-01 08:49:37 UTC
It's a pull parser? Hmm... how reordered fields are supposed to be
handled? When the archiver is requested for a field, it will probably
need to look ahead for the field in the entire message. Also arrays can
be discontinuous both in xml and in pb. Also if the archiver is
requested for a missing field, it may be a bad idea to return
typeof(return).init as it will overwrite the default value for the field
in the structure. Though, this may be a minor issue: field usually is
missing because it's obsolete, but the serializer will spend time
requesting missing fields.
Optional fields are possible to implement by writing a custom serializer
for a given type.

The look ahead is not needed for the entire message. Only for the length
of a class/strcut. But since fields of class can consist of other class
it might not make a difference.
As a schema-informed serialization, PB works better with specialized
code, so it's better to provide a means for specialized serialization,
where components will be tightly coupled, and the archiver will have
full access to the serialized type and will be able to infer schema.
Isn't serialization simpler when you have access to the type?
Yes, it would probably be simpler if the archive had access to the type.
The idea behind Orange is that Serializer tries to do as much as
possible of the implementation and leaves the data dependent parts to
the archive. Also, the archive only needs to know how to serialize
primitive types.
/Jacob Carlborg
Jesse Phillips
2013-03-31 23:39:53 UTC
On Saturday, 30 March 2013 at 20:02:48 UTC, Jesse Phillips
Post by Jesse Phillips
3) Serialization is done by message (struct) and not by
PB does serialize by primitives and Archive has archiveStruct
method which is called to serialize struct, I believe. At first
sight orange serializes using built-in grammar (in EXI terms),
and since PB uses schema-informed grammar, you have to provide
schema to the archiver: either keep it in the archiver or store
Thank you, you've described it much better. When I saide "by
message" I was referring to what you have more accurately stated
as requiring a schema.

I'm not well versed in PB or Orange so I'd need to play around
more with both, but I'm pretty sure Orange would need changes
made to be able to make the claim PB is supported. It should be
possible to create a binary format based on PB.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-01 08:53:51 UTC
I'm not well versed in PB or Orange so I'd need to play around more with
both, but I'm pretty sure Orange would need changes made to be able to
make the claim PB is supported. It should be possible to create a binary
format based on PB.
Isn't PB binary? Or it actually seems it can be both.
/Jacob Carlborg
Jesse Phillips
2013-04-01 17:13:33 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
I'm not well versed in PB or Orange so I'd need to play around more with
both, but I'm pretty sure Orange would need changes made to be able to
make the claim PB is supported. It should be possible to
create a binary
format based on PB.
Isn't PB binary? Or it actually seems it can be both.
Let me see if I can describe this.

PB does encoding to binary by type. However it also has a schema
in a .proto file. My first concern is that this file provides the
ID to use for each field, while arbitrary the ID must be what is

The second one I'm concerned with is option to pack repeated
fields. I'm not sure the specifics for this encoding, but I
imagine some compression.

This is why I think I'd have to implement my own Serializer to be
able to support PB, but also believe we could have a binary
format based on PB (which maybe it would be possible to create a
schema of Orange generated data, but it would be hard to generate
data for a specific schema).
Matt Soucy
2013-04-01 17:24:05 UTC
Post by Jesse Phillips
Post by Jacob Carlborg
I'm not well versed in PB or Orange so I'd need to play around more with
both, but I'm pretty sure Orange would need changes made to be able to
make the claim PB is supported. It should be possible to create a binary
format based on PB.
Isn't PB binary? Or it actually seems it can be both.
Let me see if I can describe this.
PB does encoding to binary by type. However it also has a schema in a
.proto file. My first concern is that this file provides the ID to use
for each field, while arbitrary the ID must be what is specified.
The second one I'm concerned with is option to pack repeated fields. I'm
not sure the specifics for this encoding, but I imagine some compression.
This is why I think I'd have to implement my own Serializer to be able
to support PB, but also believe we could have a binary format based on
PB (which maybe it would be possible to create a schema of Orange
generated data, but it would be hard to generate data for a specific
From what I got from the examples, Repeated fields are done roughly as
auto msg = fields.map!(a=>a.serialize())().reduce!(a,b=>a~b)();
return ((id<<3)|2) ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
Where msg is a ubyte[].
-Matt Soucy
2013-04-01 18:37:04 UTC
AFAIK, it's opposite: an array serialized in chunks, and they are
concatenated on deserialization. Useful if you don't know how
much elements you're sending, so you send them in finite chunks
as the data becomes available. Client can also close connection,
so you don't have to see the end of the sequence.
2013-04-01 18:39:48 UTC
Oh, wait, it looks like a (possibly infinite) range rather than
an array.
Matt Soucy
2013-04-01 18:41:57 UTC
Post by Kagamin
AFAIK, it's opposite: an array serialized in chunks, and they are
concatenated on deserialization. Useful if you don't know how much
elements you're sending, so you send them in finite chunks as the data
becomes available. Client can also close connection, so you don't have
to see the end of the sequence.

The "packed repeated fields" section explains it and breaks it down with
an example. If the client can close like that, you probably don't want
to use packed.
2013-04-01 19:11:27 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
The "packed repeated fields" section explains it and breaks it
down with an example. If the client can close like that, you
probably don't want to use packed.
Why not? If you transfer a result of google search, the client
will be able to peek only N first results and close or not.
Though I agree it's strange that you can only transfer primitive
types this way.
2013-04-01 19:30:20 UTC
So as we see PB doesn't support arrays (and ranges). Hmm...
that's unfortunate.
Matt Soucy
2013-04-01 19:37:12 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
The "packed repeated fields" section explains it and breaks it down
with an example. If the client can close like that, you probably don't
want to use packed.
Why not? If you transfer a result of google search, the client will be
able to peek only N first results and close or not. Though I agree it's
strange that you can only transfer primitive types this way.
It's not really strange, because of how it actually does the
serialization. A message is recorded as length+serialized members.
Members can happen in any order. Packed repeated messages would look
like...what? How do you know when one message ends and another begins?
If you try and denote it, you'd just end up with what you already have.
In your example, you'd want to send each individual result as a distinct
message, so they could be read one at a time. You wouldn't want to pack,
as packing is for sending a whole data set at once.
2013-04-01 20:54:03 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
It's not really strange, because of how it actually does the
serialization. A message is recorded as length+serialized
members. Members can happen in any order. Packed repeated
messages would look like...what? How do you know when one
message ends and another begins? If you try and denote it,
you'd just end up with what you already have.
Well, messages can be just repeated, not packed. Packing is for
really small elements, I guess, - namely numbers.
Post by Matt Soucy
In your example, you'd want to send each individual result as a
distinct message, so they could be read one at a time. You
wouldn't want to pack, as packing is for sending a whole data
set at once.
So you suggest to send 1 message per TCP packet?
Matt Soucy
2013-04-01 21:11:57 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
It's not really strange, because of how it actually does the
serialization. A message is recorded as length+serialized members.
Members can happen in any order. Packed repeated messages would look
like...what? How do you know when one message ends and another begins?
If you try and denote it, you'd just end up with what you already have.
Well, messages can be just repeated, not packed. Packing is for really
small elements, I guess, - namely numbers.
And therefore, it supports arrays just fine (as repeated fields). Yes.
That last sentence was poorly-worded, and should have said "you'd just
end up with the un'packed' data with an extra header."
Post by Matt Soucy
In your example, you'd want to send each individual result as a
distinct message, so they could be read one at a time. You wouldn't
want to pack, as packing is for sending a whole data set at once.
So you suggest to send 1 message per TCP packet?
Unfortunately, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about networking, but
that's not quite what I meant. I meant that the use case itself would
result in sending individual Result messages one at a time, since
packing (even if it were valid) wouldn't be useful and would require
getting all of the Results at once. You would just leave off the
"packed" attribute.
2013-04-02 04:38:32 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
And therefore, it supports arrays just fine (as repeated
fields). Yes. That last sentence was poorly-worded, and should
have said "you'd just end up with the un'packed' data with an
extra header."
It says repeated messages should be merged which results in one
message, not an array of messages. So from several repeated
messages you get one as if they formed contiguous soup of fields
which got parsed as one message: e.g. scalar fields of the
resulting message take their last seen values.
Post by Matt Soucy
Unfortunately, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about
networking, but that's not quite what I meant. I meant that the
use case itself would result in sending individual Result
messages one at a time, since packing (even if it were valid)
wouldn't be useful and would require getting all of the Results
at once. You would just leave off the "packed" attribute.
As you said, there's no way to tell where one message ends and
next begins. If you send them one or two at a time, they end up
as a contiguous stream of bytes. If one is to delimit messages,
he should define a container format as an extension on top of PB
with additional semantics for representation of arrays, which
results in another protocol. And even if you define such
protocol, there's still no way to have array fields in PB
messages (arrays of non-trivial types).

For example if you want to update students and departments with
one method, the obvious choice is to pass it a dictionary of
key-value pairs of new values for the object's attributes. How to
do that?
Matt Soucy
2013-04-02 05:17:43 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
And therefore, it supports arrays just fine (as repeated fields). Yes.
That last sentence was poorly-worded, and should have said "you'd just
end up with the un'packed' data with an extra header."
It says repeated messages should be merged which results in one message,
not an array of messages. So from several repeated messages you get one
as if they formed contiguous soup of fields which got parsed as one
message: e.g. scalar fields of the resulting message take their last
seen values.
They're merged if the field is optional and gets multiple inputs with
that id. If a field is marked as repeated, then each block of data
denoted with that field is treated as a new item in the array.
Post by Matt Soucy
Unfortunately, I'm not particularly knowledgeable about networking,
but that's not quite what I meant. I meant that the use case itself
would result in sending individual Result messages one at a time,
since packing (even if it were valid) wouldn't be useful and would
require getting all of the Results at once. You would just leave off
the "packed" attribute.
As you said, there's no way to tell where one message ends and next
begins. If you send them one or two at a time, they end up as a
contiguous stream of bytes. If one is to delimit messages, he should
define a container format as an extension on top of PB with additional
semantics for representation of arrays, which results in another
protocol. And even if you define such protocol, there's still no way to
have array fields in PB messages (arrays of non-trivial types).
For example if you want to update students and departments with one
method, the obvious choice is to pass it a dictionary of key-value pairs
of new values for the object's attributes. How to do that?
I said that that only applies to the incorrect idea of packing complex
messages. With regular repeated messages (nonpacked), each new repeated
message is added to the array when deserialized.
While yes, protocol buffers do not create a way to denote
uppermost-level messages, that isn't really relevant to the situation
that you're trying to claim. If messages are supposed to be treated
separately, there are numerous ways to handle that which CAN be done
inside of protocol buffers.
In this example, one way could be to define messages like so:

message Updates {
message StudentUpdate {
required string studentName = 1;
required uint32 departmentNumber = 2;
repeated StudentUpdate updates = 1;

The you would iterate over Updates.updates, which you'd be adding to
upon deserialization of more of the messages.
Jesse Phillips
2013-04-01 20:38:40 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
From what I got from the examples, Repeated fields are done
auto msg = fields.map!(a=>a.serialize())().reduce!(a,b=>a~b)();
return ((id<<3)|2) ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
Where msg is a ubyte[].
-Matt Soucy
I think that would fall under some form of compression, namely
compressing the ID :P

BTW, I love how easy that is to read.
Matt Soucy
2013-04-01 20:57:59 UTC
Post by Jesse Phillips
Post by Matt Soucy
From what I got from the examples, Repeated fields are done roughly as
auto msg = fields.map!(a=>a.serialize())().reduce!(a,b=>a~b)();
return ((id<<3)|2) ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
Where msg is a ubyte[].
-Matt Soucy
I think that would fall under some form of compression, namely
compressing the ID :P
BTW, I love how easy that is to read.
So, I looked at the code I'm currently working on to handle these...and
it's literally that, except "raw" instead of "fields". UFCS is kind of
wonderful in places like this.

You're right, that does count as compression. It wouldn't be hard to
number the fields during serialization, especially if you don't need to
worry about the structure changing.

-Matt Soucy
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-02 07:21:02 UTC
Post by Jesse Phillips
Let me see if I can describe this.
PB does encoding to binary by type. However it also has a schema in a
.proto file. My first concern is that this file provides the ID to use
for each field, while arbitrary the ID must be what is specified.
The second one I'm concerned with is option to pack repeated fields. I'm
not sure the specifics for this encoding, but I imagine some compression.
This is why I think I'd have to implement my own Serializer to be able
to support PB, but also believe we could have a binary format based on
PB (which maybe it would be possible to create a schema of Orange
generated data, but it would be hard to generate data for a specific
As I understand it there's a "schema definition", that is the .proto
file. You compile this schema to produce D/C++/Java/whatever code that
contains structs/classes with methods/fields that matches this schema.

If you need to change the schema, besides adding optional fields, you
need to recompile the schema to produce new code, right?

If you have a D class/struct that matches this schema (regardless if
it's auto generated from the schema or manually created) with actual
instance variables for the fields I think it would be possible to
(de)serialize into the binary PB format using Orange.

Then there's the issue of the options supported by PB like optional
fields and pack repeated fields (which I don't know what it means).

It seems PB is dependent on the order of the fields so that won't be a
problem. Just disregard the "key" that is passed to the archive and
deserialize the next type that is expected. Maybe you could use the
schema to do some extra validations.

Although, I don't know how PB handles multiple references to the same value.

Looking at this:


Below "Why not just use XML?", they both mention a text format (not to
be confused with the schema, .proto) and a binary format. Although the
text format seems to be mostly for debugging.
/Jacob Carlborg
Matt Soucy
2013-04-02 13:38:17 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Jesse Phillips
Let me see if I can describe this.
PB does encoding to binary by type. However it also has a schema in a
.proto file. My first concern is that this file provides the ID to use
for each field, while arbitrary the ID must be what is specified.
The second one I'm concerned with is option to pack repeated fields. I'm
not sure the specifics for this encoding, but I imagine some compression.
This is why I think I'd have to implement my own Serializer to be able
to support PB, but also believe we could have a binary format based on
PB (which maybe it would be possible to create a schema of Orange
generated data, but it would be hard to generate data for a specific
As I understand it there's a "schema definition", that is the .proto
file. You compile this schema to produce D/C++/Java/whatever code that
contains structs/classes with methods/fields that matches this schema.
If you need to change the schema, besides adding optional fields, you
need to recompile the schema to produce new code, right?
If you have a D class/struct that matches this schema (regardless if
it's auto generated from the schema or manually created) with actual
instance variables for the fields I think it would be possible to
(de)serialize into the binary PB format using Orange.
Then there's the issue of the options supported by PB like optional
fields and pack repeated fields (which I don't know what it means).
It seems PB is dependent on the order of the fields so that won't be a
problem. Just disregard the "key" that is passed to the archive and
deserialize the next type that is expected. Maybe you could use the
schema to do some extra validations.
Although, I don't know how PB handles multiple references to the same value.
Below "Why not just use XML?", they both mention a text format (not to
be confused with the schema, .proto) and a binary format. Although the
text format seems to be mostly for debugging.
Unfortunately, only partially correct. Optional isn't an "option", it's
a way of saying that a field may be specified 0 or 1 times. If two
messages with the same ID are read and the ID is considered optional in
the schema, then they are merged.

Packed IS an "option", which can only be done to primitives. It changes
Post by Jacob Carlborg
return raw.map!(a=>(MsgType!BufferType | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~
Post by Jacob Carlborg
auto msg = raw.map!(writeProto!BufferType)().reduce!((a,b)=>a~b)();
return (2 | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
(Actual snippets from my partially-complete protocol buffer library)

If you had a struct that matches that schema (PB messages have value
semantics) then yes, in theory you could do something to serialize the
struct based on the schema, but you'd have to maintain both separately.

PB is NOT dependent on the order of the fields during serialization,
they can be sent/received in any order. You could use the schema like
you mentioned above to tie member names to ids, though.

PB uses value semantics, so multiple references to the same thing isn't
really an issue that is covered.

I hadn't actually noticed that TextFormat stuff before...interesting. I
might take a look at that later when I have time.

-Matt Soucy
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-02 14:52:38 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
Unfortunately, only partially correct. Optional isn't an "option", it's
a way of saying that a field may be specified 0 or 1 times. If two
messages with the same ID are read and the ID is considered optional in
the schema, then they are merged.
With "option", I mean you don't have to use it in the schema. But the
(de)serializer of course need to support this to be fully compliant with
the spec.
Post by Matt Soucy
Packed IS an "option", which can only be done to primitives. It changes
Post by Jacob Carlborg
return raw.map!(a=>(MsgType!BufferType | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~
Post by Jacob Carlborg
auto msg = raw.map!(writeProto!BufferType)().reduce!((a,b)=>a~b)();
return (2 | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
(Actual snippets from my partially-complete protocol buffer library)
If you had a struct that matches that schema (PB messages have value
semantics) then yes, in theory you could do something to serialize the
struct based on the schema, but you'd have to maintain both separately.
Just compile the schema to a struct with the necessary fields. Perhaps
not how it's usually done.
Post by Matt Soucy
PB is NOT dependent on the order of the fields during serialization,
they can be sent/received in any order. You could use the schema like
you mentioned above to tie member names to ids, though.
So if you have a schema like this:

message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;

1, 2 and 3 will be ids of the fields, and also the order in which they
are (de)serialized?

Then you could have the archive read the schema, map names to ids and
archive the ids instead of the names.
Post by Matt Soucy
PB uses value semantics, so multiple references to the same thing isn't
really an issue that is covered.
I see, that kind of sucks, in my opinion.
/Jacob Carlborg
Matt Soucy
2013-04-02 16:24:19 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Matt Soucy
Unfortunately, only partially correct. Optional isn't an "option", it's
a way of saying that a field may be specified 0 or 1 times. If two
messages with the same ID are read and the ID is considered optional in
the schema, then they are merged.
With "option", I mean you don't have to use it in the schema. But the
(de)serializer of course need to support this to be fully compliant with
the spec.
OK, I see what you mean. PB uses the term "option" for language
constructs, hence my confusion.
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Matt Soucy
Packed IS an "option", which can only be done to primitives. It changes
Post by Jacob Carlborg
return raw.map!(a=>(MsgType!BufferType | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~
Post by Jacob Carlborg
auto msg = raw.map!(writeProto!BufferType)().reduce!((a,b)=>a~b)();
return (2 | (id << 3)).toVarint() ~ msg.length.toVarint() ~ msg;
(Actual snippets from my partially-complete protocol buffer library)
If you had a struct that matches that schema (PB messages have value
semantics) then yes, in theory you could do something to serialize the
struct based on the schema, but you'd have to maintain both separately.
Just compile the schema to a struct with the necessary fields. Perhaps
not how it's usually done.
Again, my misunderstanding. I assumed you were talking about taking a
pre-existing struct, not one generated from the .proto
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Matt Soucy
PB is NOT dependent on the order of the fields during serialization,
they can be sent/received in any order. You could use the schema like
you mentioned above to tie member names to ids, though.
message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3;
1, 2 and 3 will be ids of the fields, and also the order in which they
are (de)serialized?
Then you could have the archive read the schema, map names to ids and
archive the ids instead of the names.
You could easily receive 3,1,2 or 2,1,3 or any other such combination,
and it would still be valid. That doesn't stop you from doing what you
suggest, however, as long as you can lookup id[name] and name[id].
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Matt Soucy
PB uses value semantics, so multiple references to the same thing isn't
really an issue that is covered.
I see, that kind of sucks, in my opinion.
Eh. I personally think that it makes sense, and don't have much of a
problem with it.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-02 18:50:03 UTC
Post by Matt Soucy
Again, my misunderstanding. I assumed you were talking about taking a
pre-existing struct, not one generated from the .proto
It doesn't really matter where the struct comes from.
Post by Matt Soucy
You could easily receive 3,1,2 or 2,1,3 or any other such combination,
and it would still be valid. That doesn't stop you from doing what you
suggest, however, as long as you can lookup id[name] and name[id].
Right. The archive gets the names, it's then up to the archive how to
map names to PB ids. If the archive gets "foo", "bar" and the serialized
data contains "bar", "foo" can it handle that? What I mean is that the
serializer decides which field should be (de)serialized not the archive.
Post by Matt Soucy
Eh. I personally think that it makes sense, and don't have much of a
problem with it.
It probably makes sense if one sends the data over the network and the
data is mostly value based. I usually have an object hierarchy with many
reference types and objects passed around.
/Jacob Carlborg
Francois Chabot
2013-06-17 13:31:32 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
It probably makes sense if one sends the data over the network
and the data is mostly value based. I usually have an object
hierarchy with many reference types and objects passed around.
I think that's kinda the sticking point with Orange for me.
Integrating it in my current project implied bringing in a huge
amount of code when my needs are super-straightforward.

I actually ended up writing myself a super-light range-based
serializer that'll handle any combination of struct/Array/AA
thrown at it. (for reference:
). It also does not copy data around, and instead just casts the
data as arrays of bytes. It's under 300 lines of D code and does
everything I need from Orange, and does it very fast. Orange is
just so very overkill for my needs.

My point is that serializing POD-based structures in D is so
simple that using a one-size-fit-all serializer made to handle
absolutely everything feels very wasteful.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-06-17 13:47:59 UTC
I think that's kinda the sticking point with Orange for me. Integrating
it in my current project implied bringing in a huge amount of code when
my needs are super-straightforward.
Why is that a problem?
I actually ended up writing myself a super-light range-based serializer
that'll handle any combination of struct/Array/AA thrown at it. (for
https://github.com/Chabsf/flyb/blob/SerializableHistory/serialize.d ).
It also does not copy data around, and instead just casts the data as
arrays of bytes. It's under 300 lines of D code and does everything I
need from Orange, and does it very fast. Orange is just so very overkill
for my needs.
It's a lot easier to create a serializer which doesn't handle the full
set of D. When you start to bring in reference types, pointers, arrays
and slices it's start to get more complicated.
My point is that serializing POD-based structures in D is so simple that
using a one-size-fit-all serializer made to handle absolutely everything
feels very wasteful.
You don't have to use it.
/Jacob Carlborg
Francois Chabot
2013-06-17 14:39:07 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Francois Chabot
My point is that serializing POD-based structures in D is so
simple that
using a one-size-fit-all serializer made to handle absolutely
feels very wasteful.
You don't have to use it.
But I do use it, quite a bit. Whenever I have any form of
polymorphic serialization, Orange is excellent. I find myself
effectively choosing between two serialization libraries based on
my needs right now, which is actually a very good thing.

The issue here is not whether I should be using Orange or not in
a given project, but whether it should become std.serialization.
If that happens, then I will find myself "forced" to use it, the
same way I should be "forced" to use std::vector in C++ unless I
am dealing with a truly exceptional situation.

But serializing data to send on a socket efficiently should NOT
be treated as an exceptional case. If anything, I think it should
be the base case. If/When std.serialization exists, then it will
effectively become the goto serialization mechanism for any D
newcomer, and it really should handle that case efficiently and
elegantly IMHO.

I will grant that making Orange part of Phobos will alleviate the
project bloat issue, which is a huge deal. But as it stands, to
me, it only handles a subset of what std.serialization should.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-06-17 20:59:31 UTC
Post by Francois Chabot
I will grant that making Orange part of Phobos will alleviate the
project bloat issue, which is a huge deal. But as it stands, to me, it
only handles a subset of what std.serialization should.
So what would you like it to handle? I assume you want a binary archive
and you want faster serialization? You are free to add enhancement
requests to the github project and comment in the official review thread.

The thing is with Orange is that it's possible to add new archive types.
If Orange gets accepted as std.serialization we could later add a binary

Do you want to stop std.serialization just because of it not having a
binary archive? Not having a binary archive doesn't make the XML archive
/Jacob Carlborg
Francois Chabot
2013-06-17 22:06:41 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Post by Francois Chabot
I will grant that making Orange part of Phobos will alleviate
project bloat issue, which is a huge deal. But as it stands,
to me, it
only handles a subset of what std.serialization should.
So what would you like it to handle? I assume you want a binary
archive and you want faster serialization? You are free to add
enhancement requests to the github project and comment in the
official review thread.
Well, the main thing that I want on my end is a O(1) memory
footprint when dealing with hierarchical data with no
cross-references. Even better would be that serialization being a
lazy input range that can be easily piped into something like
Walter's std.compress. I guess I could log an enhancement request
to that effect, but I kinda felt that this was beyond the scope
of Orange. It has a clear serialize, then deal with the data
design. What I need really goes against the grain here.
Post by Jacob Carlborg
The thing is with Orange is that it's possible to add new
archive types. If Orange gets accepted as std.serialization we
could later add a binary archive.
Once again, the sticking point is not the serialization format,
but the delivery method of said data.

Hmmm, come to think of it, running Orange in a fiber with a
special archive type and wrapping the whole thing in a range
could work. However, I'm not familiar enough with how
aggressively Orange caches potential references to know if it
would work. Also, due to the polymorphic nature of archives,
archive types with partial serialization support would be a pain,
as they would generate runtime errors, not compile-time.
Post by Jacob Carlborg
Do you want to stop std.serialization just because of it not
having a binary archive? Not having a binary archive doesn't
make the XML archive useless.
No! no no no. I just feel that Orange handles a big piece of the
serialization puzzle, but that there's a lot more to it.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-06-18 07:04:22 UTC
Well, the main thing that I want on my end is a O(1) memory footprint
when dealing with hierarchical data with no cross-references.
That's kind of hard since it creates data. But if you mean except for
the data then it stores some meta data in order to support reference
types. That is, not serializing the same reference more than once.
Theoretically a template parameter could be added to avoid this, but
that defeats the purpose of a class/interface design. It could be a
runtime parameter, don't know how well the compiler can optimize that out.
Even better would be that serialization being a lazy input range that can be
easily piped into something like Walter's std.compress. I guess I could
log an enhancement request to that effect, but I kinda felt that this
was beyond the scope of Orange. It has a clear serialize, then deal with
the data design. What I need really goes against the grain here.
I'm no expert on ranges but I'm pretty sure it can work with
std.compress. It returns an array, which is a random access range.
Although it won't be lazy.

The deserialization would be a bit harder since it depends on std.xml
which is not range based.
Once again, the sticking point is not the serialization format, but the
delivery method of said data.
No! no no no. I just feel that Orange handles a big piece of the
serialization puzzle, but that there's a lot more to it.
Ok, I see. But I need to know about the rest, what you're missing to be
able to improve it. I have made a couple of comments here.
/Jacob Carlborg
via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-06 10:24:20 UTC
Any news on this?
Jacob Carlborg via Digitalmars-d
2014-10-06 14:32:00 UTC
Post by via Digitalmars-d
Any news on this?
No, I'm currently working on D/Objective-C [1].

[1] http://wiki.dlang.org/DIP43
/Jacob Carlborg
Jacob Carlborg
2013-04-02 07:29:27 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
std.serialization (orange) is now ready to be reviewed.
I've been working on a binary archive with the following format:

FileFormat := CompoundArrayOffset Data CompoundArray
CompoundArrayOffset := AbsOffset # Offset of the compound array
AbsOffset := 4B # Absolute offset from the beginning of FileFormat
CompoundArray := Compound* # An array of Compound
CompoundOffset := 4B # Offset into CompoundArray
Data := Type*
Type := String | Array | Compound | AssociativeArray | Pointer | Enum |
Compound := ClassData | StructData
String := Length 4B* | 2B* | 1B*
Array := Length Type*
Class := CompoundOffset
Struct := CompoundOffset
ClassData := String Field*
StructData := Field*
Field := Type
Length := 4B
Primitive := Bool | Byte | Cdouble | Cfloat | Char | Creal | Dchar |
Double | Float | Idouble | Ifloat | Int | Ireal | Long | Real | Short |
Ubyte | Uint | Ulong | Ushort | Wchar
Bool := 1B
Byte := 1B
Cdouble := 8B 8B
Cfloat := 8B
Char := 1B
Creal := 8B 8B 8B 8B
Dchar := 4B
Double := 8B
Float := 4B
Idouble := 8B
Ifloat := 4B
Int := 4B
Ireal := 8B 8B
Long := 8B
Real := 8B 8B 8B 8B
Short := 2B
Ubyte := 1B
Uint := 4B
Ulong := 8B
Ushort := 2B
Wchar := 2B
1B := 1Byte
2B := 2Bytes
4B := 4Bytes
8B := 8Bytes

How does this look like?
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-06-15 18:54:33 UTC
Post by Jacob Carlborg
std.serialization (orange) is now ready to be reviewed.
I'm fundatemtaly agaisnt the integration of Orange into the std
The basic problem is that there is no flag in the D object model
for the serialization (e.g: the "published" attribute in Pascal).
In the same order of idea, the doc about RTI is null. In fact
there's even no RTI usefull for an "academic" serialization
No no no.
Jacob Carlborg
2013-06-15 19:06:05 UTC
I'm fundatemtaly agaisnt the integration of Orange into the std lib.
The basic problem is that there is no flag in the D object model for the
serialization (e.g: the "published" attribute in Pascal).
Why does that matter?
/Jacob Carlborg
2013-06-15 19:06:34 UTC
Post by Baz
The basic problem is that there is no flag in the D object
model for the serialization
Yep, and std.serialization adds it, via UDA.
Post by Baz
In the same order of idea, the doc about RTI is null. In fact
there's even no RTI usefull for an "academic" serialization
RTI (rtti) is hardly relevant here, as far as I can see,
std.serialization does static reflection.