2011-11-27 19:53:46 UTC
I wonder why struct can't have a default constructor. TDPL state that it
is required to allow every types to have a constant .init .
That is true, however not suffiscient. A struct can has a void[constant]
as a member and this doesn't have a .init . So this limitation does not
ensure that the benefit claimed is garanteed.
Additionnaly, if it is the only benefit, this is pretty thin compared to
the drawback of not having a default constructor.
We already have @disable this(); for structs. This cause the struct to
behave differently and cause the error ? initializer required for type
xxx ? when a variable of type xxx is defined without initialization.
This doesn't prevent the struct to get a constant .init and to use it
(even if this .init is probably garbage in this case, the whole point of
the @disable is to force the user to use a constructor or to copy).
The whole stuff seems very unclear and limitations arbitrary.
Note that a static opCall and a @disabel default constructor doesn't do
the trick as opCall can't be used with new to allocate on the heap. This
is only a cheap workaround.
Note also that xxx myvar = xxx.init; worls and doesn't trigger postblit.
So the @disable this(); is also a structure thatd oesn't garantee anything.
The point of classes and struct beeing different in D is slicing.
Default constructor is unrelated to that problem.
Why not allow both @disable this(); and default constructor construct,
both triggering the error ? initializer required for type xxx ? ? This
would make much more sense. Postblit should also be triggered on
assiagnation with .init to ensure the consistency of the whole construct.
I wonder why struct can't have a default constructor. TDPL state that it
is required to allow every types to have a constant .init .
That is true, however not suffiscient. A struct can has a void[constant]
as a member and this doesn't have a .init . So this limitation does not
ensure that the benefit claimed is garanteed.
Additionnaly, if it is the only benefit, this is pretty thin compared to
the drawback of not having a default constructor.
We already have @disable this(); for structs. This cause the struct to
behave differently and cause the error ? initializer required for type
xxx ? when a variable of type xxx is defined without initialization.
This doesn't prevent the struct to get a constant .init and to use it
(even if this .init is probably garbage in this case, the whole point of
the @disable is to force the user to use a constructor or to copy).
The whole stuff seems very unclear and limitations arbitrary.
Note that a static opCall and a @disabel default constructor doesn't do
the trick as opCall can't be used with new to allocate on the heap. This
is only a cheap workaround.
Note also that xxx myvar = xxx.init; worls and doesn't trigger postblit.
So the @disable this(); is also a structure thatd oesn't garantee anything.
The point of classes and struct beeing different in D is slicing.
Default constructor is unrelated to that problem.
Why not allow both @disable this(); and default constructor construct,
both triggering the error ? initializer required for type xxx ? ? This
would make much more sense. Postblit should also be triggered on
assiagnation with .init to ensure the consistency of the whole construct.